

Back to glosary CMS means Content Management System. A Content Management System allow users to authenticate to a website so ...

CMS vs Custom Website Development

This is a very common question when starting a new web project: Should I pick a CMS (Content Management System)? ...

Improve WordPress UX With Custom Gutenberg Blocks

Last year, on December 6th, Wordpress 5.0 released a huge upgrade to the content editor UI, the Gutenberg Block Editor ...

Creating your first wordpress shortcode

WordPress is the most used Content Management System (CMS) on the world. Its simple design makes it easy to use ...
beaver builder and gutenberg

Beaver Builder and Gutenberg: The perfect combination

The tech world is growing by leaps and bounds. A large number of new tools as Beaver Builder appear daily ...

How to create a custom module for Beaver Builder

Nowadays, one of the most popular ways to create a wordpress site is to use a page builder. It is ...

Is WordPress less secure than Drupal?

A question recently came in from a client... "At a board meeting today, one of our board members with some ...


Back to glosary WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. To function, ...
SEO is like planting a mango tree

Search engine optimization: SEO is like planting a mango tree

This phrase "Search engine optimization: SEO is like planting a mango tree" uncuestionably sounds a bit strange at first. But ...

Website design for specialized dentists and doctors

Have you ever thought on having your own website but don't know how to differentiate from others? One clear need ...