

Back to glosary A collection of libraries written in Python that provide a framework for building dynamic websites. django django ...

CMS vs Custom Website Development

This is a very common question when starting a new web project: Should I pick a CMS (Content Management System)? ...

Store Django static assets with Amazon S3

For some projects we serve a lot of images, videos, and documents. This can overload your site and make it ...

Quick start with Django ORM

As a web developer, using databases may be a pain, you must ensure that all your queries are pretty well ...

Working with nested forms with Django

One of the biggest advantages of Django is its ability to create CRUDs applications with no effort. You just need ...

Speed it up! Recommendations to make your Django app faster

Let's admit it, Django rules. It is simple, trustworthy, fast and it is written in Python. What else do you ...

How to create Django Data Migrations

Sometimes, you have a well defined structure in your database, but you have to refactor it . This refactor implies ...

How to do a Wizard Form with Django

Many times, we have a form with a lot of fields and we need to use it, but we don't ...

Integration of PayU recurring payments to your system

Currently, there is a growing need among companies to offer the possibility of making payments directly through their web portal ...

Pycon Colombia: The first meeting of Python developers in Colombia

Pycon Colombia is the first meeting that welcomes all users of the Python programming language in this country. This conference ...