Business and management
Project management: Is it necessary to have a Project Manager in my project?
A good project and task management leads many companies to be highly competitive in the market. Always having a project ...
How do we work at Swapps?
Nowadays everyone talks about agile methodologies as something new. Something that various companies are applying in the implementation of projects ...
How to build great teams in technology
Since 2011, when I first assumed a position where i had to take care of the selection of human resources ...
Agile: what it is and why it matters for your company growth
To understand the concept of agile methodologies, we can think of the two words separately: “methodology” and “agile”. ...
Basic SEO
We talk about organic positioning or SEO, but Do we really know how to apply it in our company? ...
Internal Networking: how to create alliances inside the office
When we talk about building a network of professional relationships or managing contacts, we generally look outside the company where ...
Networking and presential business roundtables: an opportunity to sell more and position yourself as an expert in your field.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, face-to-face events were canceled, as crowds and interactions were limited. Concerts, team meetings, restaurant dinners, networking ...
What is digital transformation and how to implement it
Digital transformation has become a key for the survival of organizations since they largely depend on the use of digital ...
This is the main reason why your website/app is crashing
“If everything was working perfectly (...)" So yeah, your site is crashing one and other times and you just don’t ...
Retrospectives – #AgilePractices
“If you adopt only one #agile practice, let it be retrospectives. Everything else will follow.” Woody Zuill - Agile Coach. ...