
Simple django wordpress integration with Django WordPress API library

Nowadays, WordPress is the most known CMS in the web. For creating and managing static content with no complex logic ...

Animations with JavaScript

When building a website, it is intended to be striking, but without sacrificing usability and functionality. To achieve this, different ...

Testing Files with Python/Django

One of the most important moments when writing a python application is testing. It could be boring, tedious and {{ ...

Simply Django: Announcements

Django, a simple application that help us with Global Announcements.   Once you have a site on production, new needs ...

How to create a Django Application using Cookiecutter

The Django Cookiecutter created by Pydanny allow us to create a Django application with a great structure and best practices ...

Dockerizing Django Apps

Docker is an open platform for building, shipping and running distributed applications. In this case, Django Apps.   It gives ...