SWAPPS: 12 Years of Digital Solutions That Evolve With You
SWAPPS has been driving business growth with cutting-edge technology for over a decade. We are more than a software development ...
Custom Web Development: Key Trends and Focus Areas
In the following years, custom web development will undergo significant transformations driven by technological advancements, evolving user expectations, and the ...
How Technology Can Help NGOs: Artificial Intelligence
Technology can help optimizing NGOs operations and more. In this case we are going to talk about artificial Intelligence for ...
What is digital transformation and how to implement it
Digital transformation has become a key for the survival of organizations since they largely depend on the use of digital ...
Puppeteer: an API to programmatically control Chrome
Puppeteer is a Node library that provides a high-level API to control Chrome or Chromium through the DevTools protocol in ...
The cost of not automating your software processes
If you have ever required working with servers, you will have noticed that the process of configuring one or the ...
Businesses do not need a web page
Traditional businesses are used to using conventional means to promote their business (newspapers, radio, television); However, in the digital age, ...