
Squash your response time in Django: Querysets

You just picked up this framework named Django, played around with it's ORM for a while and you love how ...

Testing Files with Python/Django

One of the most important moments when writing a python application is testing. It could be boring, tedious and {{ ...

Simply Django: Announcements

Django, a simple application that help us with Global Announcements.   Once you have a site on production, new needs ...

Setting a testing/deployment pipeline for your Django app

Today we are taking about setting a testing/deployment pipeline for your Django app using Codeship and AWS CodeDeploy   If ...

How to create a Django Application using Cookiecutter

The Django Cookiecutter created by Pydanny allow us to create a Django application with a great structure and best practices ...

Dockerizing Django Apps

Docker is an open platform for building, shipping and running distributed applications. In this case, Django Apps.   It gives ...