
How to configure virtualenvwrapper with python3 in OSX Mojave

If you are a developer working with python, you should be using VirtualEnv to manage requirements for your projects and ...

Introduction to machine learning and pytorch

First thing first, I am no expert on machine learning. But I am studying it and I am very interested ...

Creating a basic artificial neural network on python using keras

With the popularity that deep learning has acquired recently, artificial neural networks have become very relevant in the world of ...

Connecting with the outside world: API Best practices

As a developer, there is a moment when you have to face an integration with an outside service (JIRA, Toggl, ...

The cost of not automating your software processes

If you have ever required working with servers, you will have noticed that the process of configuring one or the ...

Integration of PayU recurring payments to your system

Currently, there is a growing need among companies to offer the possibility of making payments directly through their web portal ...

Pycon Colombia: The first meeting of Python developers in Colombia

Pycon Colombia is the first meeting that welcomes all users of the Python programming language in this country. This conference ...

Redesign of a Web Django Application:

In this post I intend to show the experience in the redesign of an existing site. First of all, a ...

Testing Files with Python/Django

One of the most important moments when writing a python application is testing. It could be boring, tedious and {{ ...

Simply Django: Announcements

Django, a simple application that help us with Global Announcements.   Once you have a site on production, new needs ...