Women in Tech: Driving Innovation at Swapps
In the world of technology, female talent paves the way for innovation. At Swapps, we want to give special recognition ...
A Journey of Technology, Innovation, and Digital Transformation
Swapps: A Journey of Growth and Transformation Twelve years ago, on February 11, 2013, Swapps was born with a clear ...
SWAPPS: 12 Years of Digital Solutions That Evolve With You
SWAPPS has been driving business growth with cutting-edge technology for over a decade. We are more than a software development ...
What Are The Challenges for Swapps in 2025?
Our main goal and challenge is your customer. Swapps wants to explain why we continue to offer your business the ...
Swapps Dashboard: Agile projects under control
If you are going to entrust a project with a limited budget to an IT work team, what you would ...
How do we work at Swapps?
Nowadays everyone talks about agile methodologies as something new. Something that various companies are applying in the implementation of projects ...
How to build great teams in technology
Since 2011, when I first assumed a position where i had to take care of the selection of human resources ...
Agile: what it is and why it matters for your company growth
To understand the concept of agile methodologies, we can think of the two words separately: “methodology” and “agile”. ...
Networking and presential business roundtables: an opportunity to sell more and position yourself as an expert in your field.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, face-to-face events were canceled, as crowds and interactions were limited. Concerts, team meetings, restaurant dinners, networking ...
Retrospectives – #AgilePractices
“If you adopt only one #agile practice, let it be retrospectives. Everything else will follow.” Woody Zuill - Agile Coach. ...