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Traditional businesses are used to using conventional means to promote their business (newspapers, radio, television); However, in the digital age, where everyone has access to a cell phone and an internet connection, these media are becoming less relevant every day. And this does not mean that it is not effective; on the contrary, because they are mass media they have a high effectiveness. However, when we are going to look at prices in media such as newspapers, radio and television, only a few businesses have the possibility of using them as a broadcasting platform. Also, will they really be so effective? How is the scope achieved validated?

Cost, effectiveness and measurement are some of the factors for which new businesses have focused mainly on digital media to reach their potential buyers, since most of these media do not require a large investment and can become highly effective with the correct use.

Although the price is important, it is not the main reason why digital media is changing the way of doing business. On the contrary, it is the effectiveness with which a business can operate in the process of attracting new customers, as well as the degree of optimization of internal operations, the main differentiating factors of this type of media; since they offer the possibility of having services that work 24/7 and that even allow you to automate and simplify day-to-day operations at low costs.

¿My business requires a web page?

This is the question that many businesses ask themselves, before making the investment of the website. Yes, the answer is in the title of this article: NO. But why?Would it be that what is needed is a mobile application? – Not, less! Although it is assumed that a web page is sufficient, the reality is that it alone is of no use. What a business really needs is a digital strategy in which a web page is a fundamental axis but it must be known how to use it as a market tool; otherwise, it will become another decorative element.

In this order of ideas, and to generate an effective digital positioning strategy, it is necessary that you take into account the following components:

Having an own brand

The brand is what defines a business, it is that unique seal that characterizes it. Therefore, it is important that if you do not have a brand, create one that identifies your business. If you offer shoe repair services, it will be easier to remember you for your brand than “The neighborhood shoemaker.” Therefore. it is very important that your brand is attractive and easy to remember.

Establish a Social Media presence

Social Media is responsible for high Internet traffic and the reason why many people access the web daily. It is the most direct way of making our most direct circle known to what we do and allows us to expand it to reach more people. Not only it is an effective means, but it is free, and that is why it is important that you build a good circle of contacts and followers in your social networks. To achieve this, you can offer them content of interest and involve them with your business.

Make Digital Marketing Campaign

Internet advertising is an effective and fast way to reach more people and, although it has an associated cost, you can reach results immediately. Among the guideline options are Google, Facebook, Twitter and even YouTube. The objectives of a digital marketing campaign can be varied, such as making a brand known, promoting products, getting new customers or simply getting more followers for your social networks. Whatever conversion you want to achieve, it is important to clearly define the objective and use the analysis and scope tools to measure the success of the campaign.

Having a Web Site

Now it is the turn of the website. Although many see the page as something that “has to be” in order to reflect seriousness and have a place to display products and / or services, don’t you think that the website should be more than just a showcase? Could it be that you can help me sell more? The answer is of course yes! And that is the beginning of what it can do for you. At least one web page should have your contact information and be attractive enough to generate interest in buying or contacting you. Likewise, it should not only be attractive to its customers but it should also be attractive to search engines, so that it is optimized to be easily found, allowing it to appear in a good position when someone searches for related terms on engines such as Google.

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Implement Operational Tools in the Operation of your Company

Each business is different and each business has specific needs, and although we will not delve into each of the tools, we will mention some of the most relevant digital solutions in most organizations:

  • Do you need to offer support to customers? Use Helpdesk.
  • Do you handle a sales process with one or more sellers? Use a CRM.
  • Do you want to be able to talk with your customers while they visit the site? Purchase an Online Chat service.
  • Do you want to sell your products online? Implement an e-commerce.

¿Website or Digital Business Platform?

As you could see, there are many factors to consider to make an effective digital strategy. Although there are plenty of tools that can help you execute them individually, at Swapps we have developed tools that help companies meet all these needs in one service, so that you can focus on your business, while technology helps sell more and make your work more efficient.

If you wish to know more about our services, contact us to help your website work for you; or join our mailing list to stay tuned with more tips on technology in the modern company.

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