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SEO: Three basic points to improve search engine positioning


This article will teach you the 3 basic points of internal factors for search engine optimization (SEO) of your website.

1. Title and meta description

The title tag must contain a maximum of 155 characters and must be a unique title. The meta description is the text that accompanies this title and must have a maximum of 160 characters, this is possibly the first thing that the user will read when they find your site. Take advantage of these fields to position keywords and the company name.

As they teach in

The best place to hide a body is the second page of Google.

2. Sitemaps and .txt robots

A  sitemap  is the easiest way to tell search engines how many pages you want to be indexed or, at some point, which ones have been added and/or updated. For a multi-language site you can specify which pages have a multi-language version, for this you can use the Google guide found at the following link: Sitemap to define languages. However, the search engine must also be told which urls we do not want it to index, for this, the robots.txt is very useful. In this file, you can block access to the search engine to the urls that you do not want to appear in the search results.

TIP: Use the following robots.txt  for your test sites or development instances to prevent search engines from classifying it as duplicate content which I will talk about in the next point.

User-agent: *
Disallow /

 3. Urls and duplicated content

It is ideal to avoid duplicate content to allow the search engine to better position the urls of your choice or those that are most relevant to your users. Choose your preferred domain and make sure you are redirecting your domain without www to the domain with www or vice versa.

If you have pages with very similar content, add link tags with the rel = “nofollow” property so it doesn’t index them.

<link href="" rel="nofollow">
