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Swapps Lab

Swapps Lab is a department where creativity has no limits!
We develop products to give solutions to recurring problems, repetitive tasks that we face daily and we have a smart group of developers, designers, user experience specialties, between others creating all types of projects.


Deploycloud is a piece of software where you are able to automate completely the deployment workflow of your projects.
You can define how to configure your server, which packages and versions to install and configure the variables required for your project to work.


Automate the way you request payment to your customers.
You provide what to charge and who, and Instacobro will be in charge to make sure you receive the payment.

IDK Dashboard

An advanced reporting tool that integrates information from the different tools you use as a contractor: Time tracking system, project management tool, and invoicing so you are able to provide real-time information to your clients about what is happening with the projects and the budget.

WP Project

WordPress maintenance platform.
Get a powerful WordPress site that is easy to use, fast
and secure.

Keep up to date on your website and implement new
features with less effort.