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Service Desk: 4 steps in requirements’ solutions


We know that applications and website problems can represent delays in crucial processes in our client’s organizations, that’s why one of our priorities is to facilitate or directly solve any Swapps users’ requests in an effective, accountable, and transparent framework through our Service Desk.


In this blog post, you will find the 4 easy steps our clients go through when solving their needs. You will also know how we take care of those requirements internally, what happens in “the other side” between those easy steps for customers, in some brief lines, the process we go through to solve a problem or satisfy a need. 

4 EASY STEPS FOR OUR CLIENTS (and what goes behind) 


Yes! We want to make our clients’ life easier. In the process of solving a request, these are the steps that need to be followed. 


1. Fill a Request: 


Let us know about your situation. Contact us through Slack or email us at [email protected] 

What is going wrong, or late, or different than you thought? Do you know exactly when it happens? Has it happened before or is this the first time? Etc.


This is the moment for the details. In order to find effective problem solving, we need to identify exactly what the problem is and your information as a customer is a huge accelerator. 


2. Review and approve (or modify or reject) solutions: 


We have received, analyzed, identified, registered, validated, categorized the request


implemented the solution, tested it, confirmed it, verified the success of it and in this moment, you, as our client, get informed about the solution. 


If you are satisfied with our job, we close the request, if not, we start from scratch with your needs and the additional information you give to us as feedback at this point.


3. Close the request: 


When you are satisfied with our solution to the problem you had when you first filled the request and is effectively solved, we give this request a new status: 




When we close the request, 

we report the lesson learned in our Knowledge database, 

because our goal is to minimize the incidents. 

We also learn about our time of execution and productivity solving your problem. 


4. Respond to the survey: 


Let us know what was your experience with our Service Desk. 


Did we ask the right questions? Did we take the appropriate time? What is your satisfaction level? How can we improve?


Your information is like gold to us. 


We strongly believe that clients should never have to ask about the status of a project, task, or issue because we should be transparent and proactive in providing these status reports. Responsiveness is one of our most important principles and benefits we offer to our clients. 


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